Friday, March 6, 2009

Khao Sok National Park (Jen)

As you can probably tell if you have checked our photo gallery lately, Khao Sok was my favorite place we have visited so far. We took so many photos! It might be because this is the first “new” place for me, but I think it is more because it is an absolutely gorgeous place. We did some fantastic and challenging hikes. The “waterfalls” at the end of the trails cannot really rival those we are used to at home, but the trails themselves were gorgeous.

We stayed at a very quaint guesthouse called “Our Jungle House”, run by a quirky German Klaus and his Thai wife Pawn. We truly were in the Jungle. At night you can hear so many different animal sounds and see so many stars. On the hikes you can see so many different types of vegetation. We also saw a lot of wildlife, including monkeys, gibbons, couple of snakes, lizards, frogs, wild pig, hornbill, and of course bats. We tired to take photos, but aren’t so proficient with our camera yet . . .

We took a two day trip to Cheow Lan Lake to hike through Namtaloo Cave (also part of the park, but a bit far off). It was a little unnerving in there, walking through water up to your chest with tons of bats hanging overhead. But, it was a pretty cool experience. We stayed in floating raft houses which were great because you can just jump out your front door into the nice clean water of the lake. They weren’t great though, because I’m pretty sure that they have not been cleaned for a long, long time, or perhaps ever. We stayed with some cool people there as well, mostly German and Dutch. It was a small group of 9 which was a good size. I was happy with safety in numbers in that cave! I was excited though, to let Devan know that his Auntie Jen actually went to the “bat cave” after all. I have a feeling he wouldn’t like it as much as he thinks he would . . . ;-)

If felt great to get some exercise after so many days laying on the beach, and the nights were quite cool which made for good sleeps too. Lots of mosquitoes, but you can’t have it all. =)

For more photos go to

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