Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bye bye Mazda (Jen)

Today, we sold the Mazda.  Boohoo . . . . but, what can I do?  Nobody wanted the Golf! 

Bye bye pretty car.  One more step to preparedness.  

p.s. 7 more work days to go!  


  1. pack lightly!! trust me. do yourselves a favour and purge all non-essentials and then some!

    good luck folks, can't wait to hear the updates.


  2. Hey Dale! Wish I had realized how to read these comments sooner . . . . sent a 10 lb box home today. Good thing surface mail is cheap! ;-) Jen

    p.s. There was a little of Perry's stuff in there too . . . .
    p.p.s. Coming for a visit? Perry really needs a dive instructor.
