Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bye bye Mazda (Jen)

Today, we sold the Mazda.  Boohoo . . . . but, what can I do?  Nobody wanted the Golf! 

Bye bye pretty car.  One more step to preparedness.  

p.s. 7 more work days to go!  

Monday, January 5, 2009

Counting Down

This is the first and last time we will blog together . . . . . please note that Perry wanted to call our blog "Adventures in Babysitting".  I told him I refuse to babysit.  ;-)

We have finally booked a flight, leaving Calgary on Feb 2 and arriving in Bangkok on Feb 4, 2009.  
Hoping to get together and have some good-bye drinks on Saturday, Jan 31.  Details to follow.

In the meantime, if you anyone can offer up hints and/or suggestions in terms of packing, we would welcome any advice.  

Perry & Jen